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Example preprints with summaries from August 6, 2024.




A tibble returned from get_preprints() followed by add_prompt() followed by add_summary().


#> # A tibble: 90 × 6
#>    subject        title                            url   abstract prompt summary
#>    <chr>          <chr>                            <chr> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  
#>  1 bioinformatics Integrity and miss grouping as … http… "The hi… "I am… "The p…
#>  2 bioinformatics Sainsc: a computational tool fo… http… "Spatia… "I am… "Sains…
#>  3 bioinformatics BRACE: A novel Bayesian-based i… http… "Bayesi… "I am… "Alter…
#>  4 bioinformatics Topological embedding and direc… http… "Cancer… "I am… "Resea…
#>  5 bioinformatics SeuratExtend: Streamlining Sing… http… "Single… "I am… "Seura…
#>  6 bioinformatics An Evolutionary Statistics Tool… http… "We pre… "I am… "The \…
#>  7 bioinformatics A map of integrated cis-regulat… http… "Cis-re… "I am… "The a…
#>  8 bioinformatics MOSTPLAS: A Self-correction Mul… http… "Plasmi… "I am… "Plasm…
#>  9 bioinformatics Bootstrap Evaluation of Associa… http… "Motiva… "I am… "The a…
#> 10 bioinformatics Thermodynamic modeling of Csr/R… http… "Backgr… "I am… "Resea…
#> # ℹ 80 more rows