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Add prompt to a data frame of preprints


add_prompt(preprints, ...)



Result from get_preprints().


Additional arguments to build_prompt_preprint().


A data frame of bioRxiv preprints with a prompt added.


preprints <- get_preprints(subject=c("bioinformatics", "genomics"))
preprints <- add_prompt(preprints)
#> # A tibble: 60 × 5
#>    subject        title                                    url   abstract prompt
#>    <chr>          <chr>                                    <chr> <chr>    <chr> 
#>  1 bioinformatics "PHIStruct: Improving phage-host intera… http… Recent … "I am…
#>  2 bioinformatics "BGC Atlas: A Web Resource for Explorin… http… Seconda… "I am…
#>  3 bioinformatics "Enrichment analysis for spatial and si… http… Imaging… "I am…
#>  4 bioinformatics "SpatialLeiden - Spatially-aware Leiden… http… Cluster… "I am…
#>  5 bioinformatics "Protein sequence classification using … http… Protein… "I am…
#>  6 bioinformatics "A multi-omics approach to identify del… http… Crops l… "I am…
#>  7 bioinformatics "Automatic crystal identification for c… http… Crystal… "I am…
#>  8 bioinformatics "Solving the \"Blind men and the elepha… http… Biologi… "I am…
#>  9 bioinformatics "Evolutionary mismatch between nuclear … http… Serrano… "I am…
#> 10 bioinformatics "Predicting small-molecule inhibition o… http… Protein… "I am…
#> # ℹ 50 more rows