Added a host argument to biorecap_report() and add_summary() that gets passed to ollamar::generate(), allowing the user to choose the host for ollama. By default, host=NULL uses ollama’s default base URL (using the local ollama server). This can be used to connect to a llama server running remotely or within a firewalled network (fixes #7).
Fixed an issue with get_preprints() where a valid subject has no preprints associated with it at all.
Updated tests.
biorecap 0.2.0
Added medRxiv support. The get_preprints() function will now pull from either the bioRxiv or medRxiv RSS feed depending on the subject passed to it. All downstream functions and reporting updated to reflect this change (fixes #5).
Changed default model to llama 3.2 3B.
Added new source column for the returned preprints indicating whether the preprint came from bioRxiv or medRxiv.
Updated tests.
biorecap 0.1.1
Fix bug in add_summary() caused by upstream changes in ollamar (fixes #1).
Bumped minimum required version of ollamar to 1.2.1.